Balance was created to promote a sense of harmony within ourselves. By combining Cedarwood, Bergamot, Clary Sage and Lemon essential oils, the aroma is earthy, with a touch of citrus that will immediately balance out the busy mind and body. Cedarwood is grounding, earthy and promotes and relaxed environment. Bergamot is both calming and uplifting with a citrusy and soft floral aroma. Clary sage is known for its calming, soothing and balancing properties and Lemon, known as ‘Liquid Sunshine’, refreshes the spirit and uplifts the mind.
The Balance Wellness Gift Box includes –
1 x Balance 25hr Candle
1 x Balance 300g Bath Salts
1 x Balance 200ml Room Mist
1 x Balance 10ml Perfume Oil